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Official Data and Registrations:



ALCAJYM is a civil association lawfully registered on February 22, 2013, by Deed No. 114, issued by Lic. Oscar Alvarez del Toro, Public Notary No. 91, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. It is registered on the “Registro Público de la Propiedad y de Comercio” (Public Registry Property and Commerce), with the electronic number 27780.


Tax Administration Service:

Registered before the “Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT)” (TAX Administration Service) with RFC AIC130223CF4.


Affiliation before IJAS:

This institution has the recognition of the “Instituto Jalisciense de Asitencia Social (IJAS)” (Jalisco Institute of Social Welfare), through the deed number DG-2013-285, assigning the 5.264 unique key



On June 19, 2013 was recorded in the “Registro Federal de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil” (Federal Register of Civil Society Organizations), granting the single CLUNI registration: AIC1302231401X


Tax-deductible donations:

Once compliance with the requirements set by the “Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público” (Ministry of Finance) through the “Servicio de Administración Tributaria” (Tax Administration Service), ALCAJYM was authorized to receive tax-deductible donations, national and International through the number 600-0405-2013-12867 on June 7, 2013

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